

Babywearing Consultations & Baby Signing Classes


Closeup of a child and adult holding hands

Babies use their hands to communicate before they speak. They can point and wave, so why not add to their vocabulary? Using sign language can help your baby communicate their needs even before they can speak. For toddlers it can help ease some of those tantrums that come from not being able to express their needs and it’s a fun new skill for you to learn together. Learn a new way to communicate with your child and have fun while doing it! Learn over 70 signs in one semester.

The class is recommended for kids from 4 months to 4 years old. If your child is younger or older, send me a message to see whether it might still be a good fit!


Baby Signing Time (BST) 1 covers basic signs such as food and family that will be most useful at home. I recommend you take this class first. BST 2 covers signs that are probably less used, but still useful, such as clothes and transportation signs. I recommend you take this class after taking BST 1, but that is not required. If the scheduling works out better for you to take it in the opposite order, please feel free to do so.


The course runs 4 weeks and is offered at both Hebammenpraxis Zurich (Wipkingen neighborhood) and Gut Betucht (Schwamendingen neighborhood) locations.

Upcoming classes:


  • First child: 110.-
  • Second child: 25.-
  • Adults: Free (with child)

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Registration includes a DVD for Baby Signing Time Episode 1 with Rachel Coleman!

Girl waving at pink cherry blossoms. Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash


Practice signing and singing throughout the week! Signing Time classes come with two complementary DVDs and download code for Baby Signing Time Episode 1. Sign along with Rachel Coleman and her adorable baby class to learn basic signs for everyday life.

Additional products are available either in class or in the online shop below. Products include videos (DVD or download), songs, books, flashcards, and more!

LilyBee Signing Time Shop

About Signing Time!

Baby Signing Time! logo

Signing Time was developed by Rachel Coleman in 2006. She found out that her own young daughter Leah was deaf and not only learned American Sign Language (ASL) herself, but taught Leah’s classmates and family so they could communicate with her. That turned into videos and songs to help children and their parents learn to communicate.

Baby Signing Time! Classes are meant to be a fun way for parents to connect with their babies and meet other parents in the area. We will read stories and sing songs that will help us learn some signs. These basic signs can be used with your children at home to encourage communication. Classes are offered in two locations as well as morning and afternoon options to accommodate your schedule.

Christine Bliven is excited to be the first Signing Time instructor in Switzerland.